Central bank focuses on strengthening financial literacy for young people

  • Luanda     Monday, 18 March De 2024    17h25  
National Bank of Angola (BNA)
National Bank of Angola (BNA)
Pedro Parente

Luanda - Strengthening financial literacy among the population, especially young people, as well as creating a more stable financial system with the capacity to leverage the country's social and economic development are among the main priorities of the National Bank of Angola (BNA) in the near future.

According to BNA deputy governor, Pedro Castro e Silva, the achievement for this goal arises from the fact that there is still a low level of financial knowledge among Angolans, with around 43.7% of the population.

Speaking during the 12th edition of Global Money Week which is taking place from the 18th to the 23rd of this month in Luanda and in the BNA's other regional delegations, the official pointed to continuous training as one of the ideal ways of strengthening financial literacy in Angola.

He recognised that there is still a long way to go, but that it can be achieved with firm steps and investment in knowledge.

At the time, he highlighted young people as the pioneers of development, given their skills in handling new technologies.

As for the Global Money Week event, Pedro Castro e Silva said that this year's edition was paying special attention to digital and electronic services, with the dissemination and promotion of modern,  easy to use payment instruments adapted to the reality of the banked population.

He said that this activity shows the importance given to the financial education of young people, planting seeds that will lead to a more cultured and inclusive society in the future, capable of making the most assertive financial decisions and protecting itself against uncertainty and adversity.

"This week, the BNA will focus entirely on guaranteeing access to the fundamental principles of financial education and inclusion for children and young people, through lectures, demonstrations, games and play, with the aim of awakening the interest of these beasts of society," he emphasised.

During six days, in the provinces of Luanda, Cabinda, Malanje, Huambo, Huíla, Namibe, Cunene, Cuanza-Sul, Moxico, Uíge and Cuando-Cubango, there will be financial education talks, awareness campaigns for opening bank accounts and electronic money, with the participation of financial system supervisors, banks, mobile payment service providers, public and private sector partners.

For this week is also scheduled, training activities on financial and digital literacy with the aim to allow participants to reinforce their knowledge on the management of personal finance, savings, investment, insurance, mobile payments and taxes with the objective to prevent the target people on the secure management of money by promoting an understanding of the challenges and opportunities of digital financial services.

Laying the foundations for making the best decisions and making good choices in an informed way about personal finances, the ability to plan for the future and invest in medium and long-term finances, as well as getting to know modern instruments are also part of the objectives.

Global Money Week is an initiative run by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), which has been held annually since 2012 in more than 176 countries with the aim of raising awareness among people, especially young people, of the main issues related to financial literacy.

The event also serves as an opportunity to bring together financial institutions, educational institutions from the public and private sectors, associations and representatives of civil society in favour of financial education and inclusion.  ML/QCB/MRA/DOJ
