Government appeals maximization on environmental actions in mines

  • Luanda     Wednesday, 13 March De 2024    15h34  
Lunda Norte Province governor, Deolinda Vilarinho
Lunda Norte Province governor, Deolinda Vilarinho
Helder Dias

Dundo - The governor of Lunda-Norte, Deolinda Satula Vilarinho, called on Wednesday the diamond companies operating in the province to maximize their social and environmental actions, aligning production methods with internationally recommended standards.

The governor made this appeal during the methodological meeting with mining companies operating in the region, highlighting that the reconciliation of economic, social and environmental aspects must ensure that current activity does not harm future generations or hamper the functioning of other productive sectors, such as agriculture.

According to Deolinda Vilarinho, it is important that companies maximize their actions to preserve the environment, avoiding at all costs the pollution of rivers and/or the extinction of biodiversity.

She highlighted that diamonds are an important resource for the country's economic fabric and a lever for the sustainable development of the Luanda-Norte province, which is why they must be explored rationally, where the preservation of the environment must be fundamental.

On the other hand, she said that the beginning of diamond exploration in Lunda-Norte, in 1912, the subsector contributed to the construction of social enterprises, with emphasis on schools, hospitals and basic sanitation, actions that in the current context must be expanded and adapted to the current social and economic context.

He made it known that the methodological meeting aims to align the methods of action and intentions of mining companies, safeguarding harmonious coexistence between economic, social and environmental interests.

During the meeting, which includes the participation of ten mining companies, issues will be discussed regarding mining production and environmental impact, tax domicile of mining companies operating in the province, compliance with social responsibility, employability and massive layoffs, professional training, and others. HD/CF/DOJ

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