Environment Ministry works on Mupa park recovery

  • Luanda     Saturday, 12 August De 2023    10h25  
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Parque da Mupa no Cunene
Parque da Mupa no Cunene
Miguel Faztudo-ANGOP
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Ministra do Ambiente, Ana Chantre Luan de Carvalho
Ministra do Ambiente, Ana Chantre Luan de Carvalho
Luisa Henriques-ANGOP

Ondjiva – Angolan minister of the Environment Ana Paula de Carvalho said Friday in Ondjiva, southern Cunene province, that conditions are being created for the recovery of the Mupa National Park, in the region.

Ana Paula de Carvalho told ANGOP that, in a first phase, facilities will be created to accommodate the 44 inspectors, including the administrator, for the recovery of this natural reserve invaded by the population.

She clarified that there is no infrastructure in the park, with the need to create the technical conditions.

“We are aware of untitled occupations by farmers and the community, as it is a nature reserve, we will carefully assess the reality before taking the necessary measures”, she said.

Ana Paula de Carvalho said that illegal hunting and the indiscriminate felling of trees threaten the extinction of several species, a situation that requires urgent intervention by the authorities, for the protection of fauna and flora.

The Mupa National Park, located in the municipality of Cuvelai, province of Cunene, occupies an area of 6,600 kilometres.

It was established as a Game Reserve in 1938 and turned into a national park in 1964 to protect the Angolan giraffe. The animals that characterise the park are the lion, the leopard and the hyena.

Constituted as an International Reserve, which serves as an endemic corridor for the movement of animals from Namibia, Angola, Zimbabwe and Botswana, as it has pasture and water resources for the animals. PEM/LE/VIC/NIC

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