Sports agents discuss doping situation in Angola

  • Luanda     Friday, 18 November De 2022    11h43  
Sports agents discuss doping situation in Angola
Sports agents discuss doping situation in Angola
José Cachiva

Ondjiva- Sports agents, health technicians and physical education teachers in the southern Cunene Province, were clarified Friday about the strategies of the fight against doping in sports in Angola.

The training promoted by the Ministry of Youth and Sports in partnership with the National Center of Sports Medicine (CENAMED), aimed to clarify the participants on the international standards concerning the fight against doping in the sports.


 João Mulima, director of CENAMED, said the lecture aimed to prevent and combat the doping  in the sport, so the sporting truth can prevail.


According to Mulina, medicine in sports is a fact that has been taking space in recent times, in which the Angolan State has made commitments with other institutions.


The CENAMED director added that the intention was to address the strategies of the fight against doping, so that the sports agents have knowledge of what are the licit and non-licit substances, their consequences and penalties.


João Mulima said being mandatory  that sports agents learn about the consequences of the doping from the biological, sportive and criminal point of view.

He stressed that doping has harmful effects for both the sport and the health of those who use it and harms the sporting truth.


The Anti-Doping Law in Sports in Angola, enshrined in the Presidential Decree 12/22 of May 19, establishes the legal regime against doping, adopting the norms and principles of the World Anti-Doping Code applicable in Angolan law.
