Handball - 1º de Agosto A vs Petro de Luanda at Final

  • Luanda     Sunday, 12 May De 2024    15h27  
Jogo entre Petro e 1º de Agosto - Arquivo
Jogo entre Petro e 1º de Agosto - Arquivo
Henri Celso

Benguela - The teams from 1º de Agosto A and Petro de Luanda qualified Saturday, for the final of the 24th edition of the Angola Cup in senior women's handball, ANGOP learned.

To reach the final of this competition, 1° de Agosto A defeated Casa Pessoal do Porto do Lobito in the two semi-final games, by 31-13 and 29-18, respectively.

Petro de Luanda defeated 1º de Agosto B by 29-20 and 24-17, in the two challenges played on Friday and Saturday.

According to Petro de Luanda's assistant coach, Baiano dos Santos, who was speaking about qualifying for the final of this competition, the team's objective was achieved.

"For now, let's forget the Angola Cup and turn our heat to the National Championship of the first division, where our objective is to win the competition", he said.

1º de Agosto's coach, Carlos Viver, also said that his team achieved its objective of reaching the final.

He indicated that the two semi-final games were good and that the opponent valued the show.

"We are happy to reach the final against Petro. I think it will be a very well-fought final and will honor Angolan handball", he stressed.

The final of the 24th Edition of the Angola Cup in senior women's handball will be played after the end of the 45th National Championship, which kicks off on Monday (13th), at the Pavilhão Arena Acácias Rubras, in Benguela, and runs until the 25th. CRB/CF/DOJ
