1º de Agosto and Petro to enliven provincial handball Championship

  • Luanda     Wednesday, 18 January De 2023    14h57  
1º de Agosto vs Petro
1º de Agosto vs Petro
António Escrivão

Luanda - 1.º de Agosto and Petro de Luanda play Thursday at 6.30 pm at the Paulo Bunze pavilion ahead of the sixth round of the Luanda Provincial Women's Handball Championship.

The match takes place a month after the clash in which 1ª de Agosto won 24-21, with a favorable 19-9 at halftime for the Francisco de Almeida Super Cup.

Prior, for the same round (4.30 pm), 1.º de Agosto B will meet Sporting de Luanda at the Paulo Bunze pavilion.

At Catetão (other pavilion), Grupo Desportivo do Maculusso lock horns with  Hadja.

Petro de Luanda are the leaders with 10 points, the same as 1.º de Agosto, who come second.

1.º de Agosto B, with eight points, occupy the third place, followed by Maculusso with 6 pts, Progresso Sambizanga (4) and Sporting de Luanda (2).

The seventh and last placed Hadja without any point.
