Handball: Angola in Senegal´s CAN group A

  • Luanda     Wednesday, 28 September De 2022    23h48  
Senior women's national handball team.
Senior women's national handball team.
Clemente dos Santos

Luanda - The senior women's national handball team are part of group A of the African Championship (CAN2022), to be played from 9 to 19 November, in the Senegalese city of Dakar.

The Angolan team, which hold the title, are in group A with the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Cabo Verde and Algeria.


The competition, which involves 13 participants, also includes group B (Tunisia, Congo, Guinea, Morocco and Egypt) and group C (Cameroon, Senegal, Madagascar and Côte d'Ivoire).


Angola are on top of the list of African titles, with 14 trophies, followed by Congo with 4, then Tunisia with 3.
