1º de Agosto win women's handball national championship

  • Luanda     Saturday, 23 July De 2022    19h24  
Handball: 1º de Agosto win Super Cup
Handball: 1º de Agosto win Super Cup
Amélia Oliveira

Lubango – 1º de Agosto won Saturday in Lubango city of Huila province, the 43rd National Senior Women's Handball Championship after beating Petro de Luanda, 31-18.

Having an advantage of five goals (15-10) by the end of the first half, 1º de Agosto showed teamwork since the beginning of the game with a pressing presence by preventing the opponent from organizing efficient moves.


1º de Agosto went ahead in the scoreboard, and managed to retain the advantage until the end, thus conquering their eighth national title.


Petro de Luanda suffered from the two extra times of Friday´s semi-final match witht 1º de Agosto B, being evident in the unusual several ball losses.


 Maculusso conquered the third place beating 1º de Agosto-B, 22-21, after extra time.


Natália Kamalandua from Petro de Luanda was distinguished as the most valuable player (MVP) in the competition.


However, Casa do P.P. do Lobito were the flair-paly team, while Malongo Cauta from Sporting de Moçâmedes were the top scorer with 34 goals.
