Petro and 1º de Agosto play handball championship final

  • Luanda     Saturday, 23 July De 2022    03h44  
1º de Agosto vs Petro
1º de Agosto vs Petro
António Escrivão

Lubango - Petro de Luanda and 1º de Agosto face off Saturday in the final of the 43rd edition of the National Senior Women 's Handball Championship, which takes place in Lubango City, southern Huíla Province.

To reach the final Petro beat 1º de Agosto B by 24-23, after two extra time, while 1º de Agosto easily defeated Maculusso by an expressive 31-14.


Petro de Luanda head-coach, Vivaldo Eduardo, said his team were not at their best, they had the feeling of a game won, which could have been fatal, having highlited the balance in the match, since the possibility of a defeat for his team was very evident.


1º de Agosto B coach, João Diogo, stressed that everything was against his team and that playing two extra-time and still being at the level of Petro de Luanda is a sign of a lot of dedication and work by the athletes, stressing that the team will now work to reach the third position, when they face Maculusso.


Maculusso  and 1º de Agosto B clash for third place of the championship.


For the fifth to ninth position the following results were recorded:

Sporting de Mocamedes (44-20) Sporting de Cabinda

Electro do Lobito (33-27) Progress of Sambizanga

Sporting de Luanda (19-25) Casa P.P. Lobito

IPetro de Luanda beat 1º de Agosto by 20-14 in the 2021 final.

