Angola win African MMA

  • Luanda     Sunday, 17 September De 2023    19h14  
Angola domina pódio no africano de lutas mistas
Angola domina pódio no africano de lutas mistas
Domingos Cardoso-ANGOP

Luanda - Angola’s National Mixed Martial Arts Team (MMA) won the African Championship, which ended Sunday at the Kilamba Multipurpose pavilion, in Luanda.

Angola won a total of 39 medals, 18 gold, 14 silver and 7 bronze.

Maurio Silva stood out with a gold medal in the 61.2 kg category, after having done so in the 2021 Edition, in which Angola was runner-up, an event won by South Africa, as host.

In the general ranking,  DRC won two gold, three silver and two bronze medals, followed by Namibia, 3rd (one gold and one silver), Mauritius, 4th (two silver) and Algeria, 5th (a single bronze).

Representatives from Angola, Namibia, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Mauritius and Algeria took part in the unprecedented event.

Namibia will be the next organising country. BSV/MC/CF/NIC
