Angola fail Afrobasket qualification

  • Luanda     Tuesday, 28 February De 2023    18h33  
Angolan women's team fail to qualify for the Rwanda Afrobasket2023.
Angolan women's team fail to qualify for the Rwanda Afrobasket2023.

Luanda – Angola’s Senior Female Basketball Team failed to qualify for the African Championship “Afrobasket2023” of Rwanda, after losing Tuesday to Mozambique 82-90, in the final match of the qualification tournament (Zonal VI), held in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe.

The Angola national team were unable to achieve the goal of qualifying for the continental competition to take place in Kigali, Rwanda, from July 28 to August 6, with participation of 12 countries.    


Angola lost in the opening round to Mozambique by 52-74, then beat Zimbabwe 105-41 and Zambia 92-61.


In the second leg, Angola beat Zambia 85-32 and Zimbabwe 89-38, having lost again to Mozambique (73-74) in the qualifying tournament played in a two-leg round robin system.


Zambia occupied the third position with eight points, followed by Zimbabwe, fourth with six, both without any chance of qualifying.


Angola won the Afrobasket competition two times, in 2011 in Mali and 2013 in Mozambique.
