Lack of funding hampers football development in Uige

  • Luanda     Thursday, 20 May De 2021    18h23  
Jogo Santa Rita - Petro de no estádio 4 de Janeiro (ARQUIVO)
Jogo Santa Rita - Petro de no estádio 4 de Janeiro (ARQUIVO)
Domingos Nicolau

Uige - The lack of funding for investment in infrastructure has hampered the development of the football in northern Uige, the participants of the consultation meeting with sports agents said on Thursday.

Along with lack of funding, there is the shortage of equipment for the practice of various modalities in the region, being the Santa Rita de Cássia football team the sole representatives of the province in the country’s top division football championship currently in the 15th position with 14 points.

On the occasion, the head of the Provincial Football Association (APF) in Uige, Agostinho António, called for more local government support for the construction of fields in the province.

From the total of four stadiums built in the period before the independence, the 4 de Janeiro Stadium is the only one with conditions for the practice of football. The province is very active in handball, basketball and karate and boxing.


