Angolan Olynpic Committee highlights approval of anti-doping law as important step

  • Luanda     Wednesday, 28 February De 2024    16h29  
Desporto angolano já conta com a Lei Antidopagem
Desporto angolano já conta com a Lei Antidopagem
Clemente dos Santos - ANGOP

Luanda - The approval Wednesday in Luanda of the Law against doping in sport by the National Assembly (AN) is an important step towards ending the sanction imposed on Angola by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA).

This was stated by the president of the Angolan Olympic Committee (COA), Gustavo da Conceição, while speaking to ANGOP about the unanimous approval by parliament of the legal instrument against drugs in sport.

According to the sports leader, the law is awaiting rapid promulgation and publication in the Official Gazette, so that it can be translated and sent to WADA and he hopes that the impediment will be lifted at the meeting of this body scheduled for May.

He pointed out that the approval of the law by the National Association is not the end of the sanction, emphasising that it is best to publish it in the Official Gazette as soon as possible so that it can reach WADA as soon as possible.

Gustavo da Conceição reiterated that it would only be with the publication and accessibility of the original that the end would come, via a communication from Angola on the conformity of the law, in accordance with the statutes of this international organisation.

Since the 13th February, Angola has been prevented by WADA from using its national symbols (anthem and flag), due to delays in finalising and approving the legal instrument.

On 22 September 2023, the World Anti-Doping Agency issued a statement noting the non-compliance and gave the country four more months to rectify the situation.

The time allotted expired without the compliances having been corrected and the country didn't even contest the allegations of non-compliance, leading to its suspension.JAD/MC/DAN/DOJ

