Adingono to coach 1º de Agosto for two years

  • Luanda     Sunday, 19 June De 2022    17h42  
Lazare Adingono, Treinador de Basquete
Lazare Adingono, Treinador de Basquete

Luanda - Lazaré Adingono is the new coach of 1º de Agosto senior men's basketball team for the next two seasons.

The 44-year-old Cameroonian coach will be assisted by Miguel Lutonda and Valdemiro Ricardino, ANGOP learnt on Sunday from an official source.

The substitute of the Angolan José Carlos Guimarães comes from the training team of the military club.

Adingono was coach of Petro de Luanda for eight years, having won two national championships, one Champions League and two Angolan cups.
