US player signs for Petro de Luanda basketball team

  • Luanda     Monday, 26 February De 2024    15h22  
Basquetebolista Anthony Nelson assina pelo Petro de Luanda
Basquetebolista Anthony Nelson assina pelo Petro de Luanda

Luanda - American point guard Anthony Nelson has signed for Petro de Luanda's senior men's basketball team.

The information, which appears on the club's website, does not mention the length of the contract or any other details.

This is the first of two foreign players the team will sign, having into their participation in the current edition of the African Basketball League (BAL), to happen from 9 to 12 March in Pretoria, South Africa, as well as in the final phase of the National Championship.

The 25-year-old, 1.80 metres tall, who was not drafted by the National Basketball Association (NBA) in 2023, comes from South Kent High School.

At the Luanda club, the North American will have to share the point guard position with Childe Dundão and Gerson Domingos.

The debut match for the club's new player is scheduled for Friday, when Petro de Luanda play CAB Benguela in the quarter-finals of the Angola Cup.

For this season, the club also signed Angolan players Edmir Lucas, Clésio Castro and Kenneth Manuel.

