Catoca invests Akz 25 million in community sports

  • Luanda     Thursday, 26 May De 2022    16h59  
Desporto comunitário ganha corpo na Lunda-Sul
Desporto comunitário ganha corpo na Lunda-Sul
Marcelino Camões

Saurimo - At least 25 million kwanzas is the amount that the Catoca Mining Society will invest, as of next June, to leverage sports in the communities and discover new talents in Lunda-Sul province.

For this purpose, football, athletics and gymnastics were selected to be implemented in the municipalities of Cacolo, Dala, Muconda and Saurimo.

The project is called "Competing" and expects to bring together 1,200 teenagers and young people in 50 teams.

According to the coordinator of the plan, Aníbal Janota, the aim is to promote useful activities and the practice of healthy actions.

He made known that they also intend to discourage the consumption of alcoholic drinks and drugs by the youths.

In his turn, the director of the Culture, Tourism, Youth and Sports office, in Lunda-Sul, Salvador Wanuque, referred that, with this programme, the school and football championships, called Gira Bairro, will deserve special attention.


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