Heads of mission assess organisation of SADC games

  • Luanda     Friday, 12 August De 2022    17h10  
Prova de judo
Prova de judo
Valentino Yequenha

Luanda - Analysis at the organisational level and competitive will top meeting of the heads of mission of the countries competing for the Southern African Development Community (SADC) Tournament, underway on 24- 26 August in Malawi.

The meeting, which will take place on the competition stage, from November 3 to December 11, will also address aspects related to the opening and closing ceremonies. 

Speaking to ANGOP Friday, the head of the Angolan mission to the event, António da Luz, said the meeting was the second one, after the previous held in July. 

The objective in this mission, according to the source, is to improve the fourth place achieved in 2021, in Maseru (Lesotho). 

The trip to the competition stage will take place on November 28, with  caravan made up of athletics, adapted athletics, basketball (men and women), 3x3 basketball (men and women) gymnastics and soccer teams. 

António da Luz added announced the federations’ plans  to start working individually in the next few days, And from October onwards they may rely on full support of the Angolan Ministry of Youth and Sports. 

Athletes aged up to 17 years old participate in the SADC Games. 
