Minister calls for more sports dissemination initiatives

  • Luanda     Wednesday, 25 August De 2021    00h09  
Ministra da Juventude e Desportos - Ana Paula do Sacramento Neto
Ministra da Juventude e Desportos - Ana Paula do Sacramento Neto
Frederico Herculano

Moçâmedes - The Minister of Youth and Sports, Ana Paula do Sacramento Neto, Tuesday encouraged sports agents to have more initiatives to promote and disseminate sports activities.

The Cabinet minister, who was speaking at a meeting with sports agents of Namibe province, underscored that some activities such as school championships and unofficial football competitions held in neighborhoods should be held more often to promote sports locally.

The official added that since the province has community sports fields in good condition could help disseminate sport and pave the way for adolescents and young people to excel in different categories.


