Sports physician defends rigor in medical tests 

  • Luanda     Tuesday, 20 February De 2024    16h44  
Nova directora do Centro Nacional de Medicina Desportiva, Stella Cristiano
Nova directora do Centro Nacional de Medicina Desportiva, Stella Cristiano
Marcelino Camões-ANGOP

Luanda – The sports medicine expert Stela Cristiano on Tuesday defended the need for clubs to carry out medical tests on their athletes at the Sports Medicine Centre (CENAMED) and certified institutions to avoid negative situations, even cases of sudden death.         

Speaking to ANGOP as part of the scientific days of sports medicine to take place on February 21 and 22 in Luanda, the expert said some organizations resort to hospital establishments, where there are no specialists who can certify the real physical state and capacity of the practitioners.

The sports medicine specialist added that CENAMED at Luanda’s Cidadela stadium is the institution with the means and professionals with specific knowledge about medical tests to assess the condition of players, especially top athletes at the start of the seasons.        

According to the expert, many tests carried out in establishments outside the Sports Medicine Centre would fail as they do not meet the necessary and appropriate requirements, even putting the practitioner's health at risk, as during the course of the activities they may present some deficiencies or symptoms.                   

Although CENAMED still doesn't have enough staff, the expert said, it continues to carry out its activity with great commitment and dedication and is working to train and qualify the staff of other establishments in specific sports medicine.            

Inaugurated in 2000, CENAMED has a wet treatment room, changing rooms, consulting rooms, screening and waiting rooms, fitness, cardio, assessment area, functional rehabilitation, physiotherapy, space for stretching, flexibility and post urology and biomechanics and exercise physiology laboratories.

Stela Cristiano, a sports medicine specialist has been recently appointed director of the CENAMED. GVA /TED/AMP

