Mixed martial arts federation under administrative organization process

  • Luanda     Wednesday, 26 May De 2021    13h50  
Pormenor de uma prova de MMA
Pormenor de uma prova de MMA
António Escrivão

Luanda - The Angolan Federation of Mixed Martial Arts (FAMMA), which was recognized in February, following an electoral process, is currently under a period of administrative organization and programming of activities at national level, the head of the federation, Armando Diogo, told ANGOP.

The newest sport institution in the country is also developing monthly trainings inside and outside the Angolan capital along with programming of the national competition, foreseen for the month of November, in a place to be determined.

The mixed martial art is not a combat sport with many years of existence in Angola. It truly began in 2018 and currently has close to 100 athletes both male and female.

Armando Diogo added that the federation does not benefit yet from any financial allocation from the State Budget, so currently the alternative has been to quest for sponsorship.


