2034 World Cup - FIFA announces Saudi Arabia as host

  • Luanda     Wednesday, 01 November De 2023    09h35  
Logotipo da FIFA
Logotipo da FIFA

Luanda - The International Federation of Football Association (FIFA) confirmed on Tuesday (October 31), Saudi Arabia as the organizer of the 2034 World Cup, its president Gianni Infantino, said on his social media page.

The next edition, in 2026, will be organized by Canada, Mexico and the United States of America.

In 2030, the headquarters will be the Kingdom of Morocco (Africa), Portugal and Spain (Europe), Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay (South America).

‘’Three editions, five continents - African, American, Asian and European - and ten countries involved in holding the competition. This makes football truly global,” said Infantino. FN/CF/AMP


