Over 20 judo coaches trained in Saurimo

  • Luanda     Thursday, 25 February De 2021    14h18  

Saurimo – At least 22 judo coaches, in eastern Lunda Sul, have concluded training on sports management, sports philosophy and philanthropic projects, to develop and improve dissemination of the judo in the county.

The four-day training was provided by the 4th Dan Angolan coach (black belt) Faustino Pedro.

Speaking to Angop, the head of the Provincial Judo Association of Lunda Sul (APJ), Silvino Candala, said he intends to put the province in the national map in terms of judo.

Candala explained that he has held contacts with local business people to contribute to the massification of the sport, with greater incidence on training levels, starting from school.

