Ferrovia worried over slow progress in Vingumba case

  • Luanda     Wednesday, 16 June De 2021    17h21  
Ferrovia obtém primeiro ponto no Girabola após castigo federativo
Ferrovia obtém primeiro ponto no Girabola após castigo federativo

Huambo - The head of Huambo's Ferrovia football team, Adriano Catito, on Wednesday said he is concerned about the delay by the Angola Football Federation (FAF) Jurisdictional Council in deliberating the appeal on the Alberto Eliseu Xavier "Vingumba" case.

Ferrovia do Huambo were withdrawn 19 points, last April 21, by the Disciplinary Board of the Angolan Football Federation following the protest lodged by Williete de Benguela, for allegedly bad registration of the above said athlete.

In the protest, Williete claimed the player was registered in Ferrovia do Huambo without the termination agreement the player had with them in the last season.

The FAF Disciplinary Board gave reason to the sports association of Benguela, awarding administrative defeat to Ferrovia do Huambo in favor of opponents in all games in which the club used the player.

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