Petro de Luanda to have women's football

  • Luanda     Saturday, 16 July De 2022    22h31  
Assembleia-geral do Petro de Luanda aprova futebol feminino
Assembleia-geral do Petro de Luanda aprova futebol feminino
Domingos Cardoso

Luanda - Forty-two years after its foundation, Petro de Luanda will have women's football in the short term, in compliance with the requirement of the African Football Confederation (CAF), announced in August 2021.

This is the result of a deliberation of the Ordinary Assembly of the association, held this Saturday in the country's capital, Luanda.

According to the club's president, Tomás Faria, who was speaking to the press at the end of the meeting, in a short period of time a technical body and a physical space should be provided, and the start will be at the Under-8 or Under-10 level.

The CAF notice, released in August 2021, prohibits teams without women's football from participating in club competitions from 2023.
