Football - CAF President already in Luanda

  • Luanda     Friday, 12 April De 2024    08h35  
Presidente da CAF, Patrice Motsepe
Presidente da CAF, Patrice Motsepe

Luanda - The President of the African Football Confederation (CAF), Patrice Motsepe, arrived this Friday morning in the Angolan capital to learn about the functioning of the local governing body of the sport.

At the 4 de Fevereiro international airport, in Luanda, the leader of the continental body was received by members of the Angolan Football Federation (FAF), headed by its president Artur Almeida e Silva.

The South African's two-day visit agenda includes an audience with the President of the Republic, João Lourenço, at the Presidential Palace, on Saturday.

This Friday, Mostepe will hold a meeting with the president of the Angolan Federation Footaball, Artur Almeida e Silva, at the FAF headquarters, and then with the entire management of the governing body of the sport in the country.

On the same day, the top leader of continental football and his delegation will present courtesy greetings to the minister of Youth and Sports, Rui Falcão.

In the afternoon, it should be noted, Patrice Motsepe will participate in a meeting, in one of the capital city's hotels, with Angolan football leaders, namely, provincial associations, clubs and class associations, and half an hour later the official dinner will take place.

On Saturday, before leaving Luanda, a press conference will be held to summarize the visit.

South African Patrice Motsepe is the seventh president of CAF, an institution founded 67 years ago.

