Petro do Huambo train new gymnastics

  • Luanda     Thursday, 19 August De 2021    09h53  
Gymnastics training session
Gymnastics training session
Lucas Leitão

Huambo – Petro do Huambo are running gymnastic training in various categories for a total of 150 local children and teenagers, with the aim to increase the number of people to join this sport, the team’s coach, João Kanda, told ANGOP on Thursday.

The future gymnasts are learning artistic, rhythmic, trampoline and aerobic gymnastic, Mr. Kanda said, having considered positive the evolution level of the practitioners providing that the aim is to train highly competitive athletes for major provincial, national and international competitions.

Founded on January 5, 1980, Petro do Huambo is one of the most successful clubs of the Central region of Angola.

Besides gymnastics, the club integrate a range of other sports categories, with emphasis on football, basketball and handball.

