Girabola: 1º de Agosto beat Progresso

  • Luanda     Sunday, 19 December De 2021    19h00  
Girabolista merecem fraca confiança para embate com Ghana
Girabolista merecem fraca confiança para embate com Ghana
Kinda Kyungu

Luanda - With goals scored by Luvumbo and Mário Balbúrdia, 1º de Agosto defeated Progresso do Sambizanga, this Sunday, at Coqueiros Stadium, in Luanda, by 2-1.

In one of Luanda's historic derbies, for the 13th round of the national soccer championship, 1º de Agosto, deprived of its head coach, Srdjan Vasilevic, by federal punishment, won the fifth straight victory in the I Division National Football Championship.

The "military" team now total 29 points, in 3rd place, while the Sambilas are still in 15th (5 points).

The competition is led by Sagrada Esperança, with 35 points, three more than Petro de Luanda, second-placed, who only play on Monday.
