Football: Coach Tramagal pleased with team’s performance

  • Luanda     Monday, 11 January De 2021    11h36  

Huambo - Ferrovia do Huambo´s head coach Agostinho Tramagal, was pleased on Sunday with the performance of his team in the 1-0 victory over Sagrada Esperança, in a match of the third round of the top division National Football Championship (Girabola2020/21).

Speaking to the press, in the end of the match, played at the Kurikutelas Stadium, he said that the triumph proved his team's competitive ability.


Meanwhile, Agostinho Tramagal promised more work to improve the squad’s strategies.


With this victory, Ferrovia do Huambo have five points, in the sixth position, and in the next round they will play against Bravos do Moquis do Moxico.

