Girabola: FAF approves Tundavala Stadium

  • Luanda     Tuesday, 30 August De 2022    17h10  
Huíla: José Neves - Conselho Técnico da FAF
Huíla: José Neves - Conselho Técnico da FAF
José Filipe

Lubango - Technical Council of the Angolan Football Federation (FAF) approved Tuesday in Lubango, southern Huila province, the physical conditions of Tundavala Stadium to host games of the first division of the National Football Championship, Girabola 2022/2023.

FAF inspectors assessed the fire extinguishing systems, changing rooms, state of the pitch, electronic scoreboard, access and press box.

Speaking to reporters after the inspection work, the president of the Technical Council of FAF, José Neves, said the structure is in condition, because it received works of partial restoration.

"The impression is positive, and it is always nice to come to the Tundavala stadium, because we found a formidable sports infrastructure," he said.

He warned that there are still aspects to be improved so that the infrastructure of the Tundavala Stadium to increasingly ensure better conditions, such as the elimination of the sand that surrounds the grass and the placement, in these areas of synthetic carpet.

He also called for the replacement of lockers in the locker rooms, replacing the metal ones for wooden ones.

