Girabola2020/21: Sagrada Esperança beat Baixa de Kassanje

  • Luanda     Sunday, 07 February De 2021    18h34  

Luanda - Sagrada Esperança defeated Baixa de Kassanje by 3-0 Sunday for the ninth round match of the National Football Championship of the 1st Division "Girabola2020/21".

The Lunda Norte team goals were scored by Simão (1 minute), Gaspar (22') and Celso (54').

In the city of Huambo, the local Ferroviario defeated Williete de Benguela by 2-0 with goals from Getson and Jorginho in the 46th and 55th minutes.

Cuando Cubango FC tied at zero with Interclube. Sidney scored in the 34th minute the goal that gave Desportivo da Huíla victory to Santa Rita.

Currently for the end of the round, are now playing 1º de Agosto and Petro de Luanda, in the Angolan football classic, at the 11 de Novembro Stadium.

The ninth round, which opened Saturday, yielded the following scores:

Academica do Lobito - Progresso do Sambizanga (2-1), Bravos do Maquis - Recreativo do Libolo (1-0) and Sporting de Cabinda - Recreativo da Caála (1-1).
