Kicas confirmed Olympic Athletes Association chairperson

  • Luanda     Sunday, 22 November De 2020    09h48  
Joaquim Brandão Gomes "Kikas"
Joaquim Brandão Gomes "Kikas"

Luanda - Former basketball player Joaquim Gomes Kicas is the new chairperson of the Association of Olympic and Paralympic Athletes of Angola for the 2020/24 four-year period, succeeding swimmer Nadia Cruz, who has been in charge since 2009, the year the association was founded.

The former national team post won the elections, which took place this Saturday, with 28 votes in favour, on a single list.

In reaction to this achievement, Kikas Gomes intends to unify all Olympic and paralympic sportsmen, as well as strengthen relations with federations and clubs.

The Association of Olympic Athletes has 189 members.


