MINJUD endorses candidate Norberto de Castro

  • Luanda     Wednesday, 28 October De 2020    10h23  
Norberto de Castro anuncia retirada da Taça de Angola
Norberto de Castro anuncia retirada da Taça de Angola
Marcelino Camões

Luanda - The Ministry of Youth and Sports (MINJUD) decided in favour of candidate Norberto de Castro, whose list competing for elections in the Angolan Football Federation (FAF) was considered ineligible by the National Electoral Commission.

According to a note made available Wednesday to ANGOP, in Luanda, the national sports governing body explained that no situation had been found that hindered the candidate's participation, based on the grounds listed by the Electoral Commission.

The document, signed by the National Director for Sport Policy, Nicolau Daniel, revoked the decision of that electoral body in relation to the matter, in view of the complaint about the list in question.

Contacted by Angop, the representative of the list, Adão Simão, explained that the reaction of MINJUD is a response to the communication he received reporting anomalies in the electoral process.

He cited, as an example, the presence of accused and convicted elements on the list of the outgoing chairperson, Artur de Almeida e Silva, a situation against FIFA's ethical principles.
