Minister highlights individual sport results

  • Luanda • Thursday, 22 February de 2024 | 23h30
Mesa de presidium do encontro de auscultação entre o Ministério da Juventude e dos Desportos e os responsáveis das federações desportivas
Mesa de presidium do encontro de auscultação entre o Ministério da Juventude e dos Desportos e os responsáveis das federações desportivas
Nelson Malamba - ANGOP

Luanda - The minister of Youth and Sports, Rui Falcão, highlighted this Thursday the results of individual sports, as a factor that elevates the country to an international level.

At the end of the meeting with the federative presidents, Olympic and Paralympic Committee, he stated that after listening to the participants, it was assessed that the national and international results were good, particularly in some individual sports.

As a result, Rui Falcão, who recently replaced Palmira Barbosa in the position, stated that it is necessary to continue investing in such categories so that more and more medals can be won.

Angola is the African champion in jiu-jitsu, Mixed Martial Arts (MMA), Judo and runner-up in African zone IV in swimming, all played in the country's capital.

Regarding collective sports, he made known the existence of some veterans such as women's basketball and handball, warning about the need to maintain working conditions to remain at the top.

About the statements made by federative presidents, he said that it is clear where each federation is and what it intends to do, referring to the need for a collective plan, in order for everyone to reach the goal at the same time.

The minister added that he will start separate meetings with the federations to assess projects and difficulties and, based on this, decide priorities together.

In reaction to the initiative, the president of the Angolan Football Federation (FAF), Artur Almeida, gave a positive note as it allows each one to expose their strategies.

He added that Rui Falcão comes with a profound vision, foreseeing a very active ministry, with intervention in sports from the perspective of general development.

In turn, the president of the Angolan Handball Federation (FAAND), José do Amaral “Maninho”, said he felt the engagement of the leader of national sports, demonstrating pragmatism that the problems linked to preparations will be resolved this time.

This is Rui Falcão's first meeting, as Sports minister, with the federative presidents, after having received the ministerial portfolio on the 16th of this month.



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