Nair Almeida appointed head of CAHB development commission

  • Luanda     Tuesday, 30 November De 2021    23h01  
Angolana Nair Almeida, vice-presidente da Federação Angolana de Andebol
Angolana Nair Almeida, vice-presidente da Federação Angolana de Andebol

Luanda - The vice-president of the Angola Handball Federation (FAA) Nair Almeida has been appointed head of the African Handball Confederation (CAHB) Development Commission.

This is the second time an Angolan chairs a specialized committee of the CAHB after Pedro Godinho who was re-elected vice president of CAHB for another four-year term.

Born in Benguela, Nair Almeida began playing in 1995 having won about 60 titles, achievements that make the 37 year-old one of the biggest references in handball in Angola and Africa.

With a career filled with continental titles, participations in world and African championships, Olympic Games and Pan-African Games, she was part of the national team that won the unprecedented seventh place in the world championship in France in 2008.

