Petro face TP Mazembe without setbacks in squad

  • Luanda     Saturday, 06 April De 2024    08h58  
Equipa de futebol do Petro de Luanda
Equipa de futebol do Petro de Luanda

Luanda - Petro de Luanda will host TP Mazembe from DRC this Saturday, at 5pm, at the 11 de Novembro stadium, having now overcome two negative situations that were setbacks for the squad in the first-leg game of the African Champions League, which ended in a 0-0 draw.

Without limitations of any kind, in the team's last training session, Angolan international winger Gilberto Miguel “Gibelé" and Brazilian midfielder Soares were the main attractions.

In the previous match in Lubumbashi, Gilberto (Gibelé), recovered from malaria, was spared for this decisive period, aiming to qualify for the semi-finals.

Soares, who was injured in the last match, also worked full time and can be an option for coach Alexandre Santos.

Petro de Luanda and TP Mazembe meet again 15 years later, with a total of two victories for each and now a draw (0-0) at the current “African Champions League” edition.

The first clash between the two teams took place in the 1988 edition, with a favorable outcome for the Angolans (2-1), in Luanda, having repeated the feat, in the 2nd leg, on the opponent's ground, by 1-0.

The Congolese, on the other hand, came out on top in the last two matches, with victories (3-0) in Lubumbashi and 2-1 in Luanda in 2009.

On March 30th, the contenders went no further than a 0-0 draw at the Lubumbashi Stadium.

If they progress to the other phase, the winning team will face Al Ahly from Egypt, who eliminated Simba Sport Club from Tanzania, with an aggregate score of 1-0 and 3-0.

This DRC team is a historic representative of African football, and an elimination by Petro could confirm an era of ascension for the Angolan team.

TP Mazembe boast of five continental champions club titles, obtained in 1967, 1968, 2009, 2010 and 2015.

