President urges promotion of chess learning

  • Luanda     Saturday, 19 June De 2021    15h20  
Presidente da República, João Lourenço, oferece tabuleiro de xadrez
Presidente da República, João Lourenço, oferece tabuleiro de xadrez
Pedro Parente

Luanda – Angola president, João Lourenço, on Saturday in Luanda, urged chess players to promote learning of chess, taking into account of its importance.

Speaking at the opening of a chess tournament at António Agostinho Neto Memorial, João Lourenço said that it is not by chance that chess is considered a "science game", because it helps develop concentration, and above all, logical thinking, fundamental to people's lives.

"I am deeply touched by the fact that I have been invited to make the opening move of this tournament, by the way, with a young man, quite young, but already an African champion," said the President of the Republic.

João Lourenço welcomed the fact that most of the practitioners present were young children, adding that it is in this age group that one should learn to play chess, an instrument that will serve them for the rest of their lives, including professional ones.

The competition was attended by athletes from the Dritov, Tubarõezinhos, and Macovi Sport Club schools, as well as representatives from public and private educational institutions that develop and practice the sport.

The President of the Republic was accompanied by the First Lady of the Republic, Ana Dias Lourenço, and by the Ministers of State and Head of the President's Security House, Francisco Pereira Furtado, and for Social Affairs, Carolina Cerqueira, and for Youth and Sports, Ana Paula do Sacramento Neto.
