Sagrada Esperança, coaching staff terminate contract

  • Luanda     Wednesday, 23 November De 2022    10h39  
Alexandre Ribeiro, novo técnico do Sagrada Esperança
Alexandre Ribeiro, novo técnico do Sagrada Esperança

Dundo - The board of Sagrada Esperança club Wednesday decided to terminate the contract with the coaching staff led by the Portuguese Alexandre Ribeiro, for alleged poor results in the “Girabola” National Football Championship.

In its press release, reached ANGOP, the management stated that bad results coupled with the poor performance of the team can have undesirable impact on final ranking of the club this season.

Therefore, the note added, this situation forced the management to decide on termination of the contract with Alexandre Ribeiro and his assistants.

The note informs that the Angolan Francisco Moniz Hungo "Frank", Roque Sapirir's former assistant, will be in charge of the team on temporary basis, until the permanent hiring of a head coach for the rest of the season.

Alexandre Ribeiro, hired in August this year, for one season, leaves the club in 5th place, with 12 points, the result of three wins, the same number of draws and two defeats.

One of Alexandre Ribeiro's failures was the team's failure to qualify for the group stage of the African Confederation Cup, being eliminated in the first round of access to the group stage.

Sagrada Esperança won twice the national championship (Girabola) (2005 and 2021).
