Tax Administration calls for massive IP and IVM payment

  • Luanda     Monday, 08 January De 2024    18h55  
Logotipo da Administração Geral Tributária (AGT)
Logotipo da Administração Geral Tributária (AGT)

Ondjiva - The head of the Fiscal Services department of the Sixth Tax Region, Benjamim Dumba, this Monday in the southern Cunene Province appealed to taxpayers to massively adhere to the normal payment of the Property Tax (IP) and Motor Vehicle Tax (IVM) which are due for the year 2023.

In a statement to ANGOP, regarding the entry into force of the payment of the two taxes, which has been running since January 1st, he said that the 6th Tax Region's target is an increase of up to 10%, in a set of 2,306 properties registered last year, in Cunene Province.

For this reason, he warned taxpayers to voluntarily comply with their obligations within the established deadlines, in order to avoid other constraints that include fines and interest.

He recalled that the IP tax on property ownership must be paid by the last working day of March by the taxpayer, and can be paid in six consecutive installments, at the request of the interested party.

For the Motor Vehicle Tax (IVM), the target is the last working day of June and at this time voluntary payment, which can be made from the taxpayer portal, is essential.

For payment, taxpayers will be able to make an appointment via the Taxpayer Portal or the AGT website for online and in-person assistance, to facilitate the fulfillment of this task.

In Cunene, he assured, the tax offices of Ondjiva and Xangongo are available, as well as the tax offices of Cahama, Calueque, Santa Clara and SIAC.

The Property Tax is levied on the asset value and income of urban and rural buildings, as well as on free or onerous transfers of real estate, regardless of the title under which such transfers are carried out.

The IP rate is 0.5 percent on the amount of asset value that exceeds five million (5,000,000) kwanzas. For buildings that are rented, the effective rate of 15% of the total rent applies.

The IVM tax was approved by Law nº 24/20, of 13 June, which revoked the Circulation Tax - approved by Legislative Diploma nº 3837, of 30 July 1968. It is charged from 1 January to June each year.

Motor vehicles are subject to IVM, namely light and heavy engine cars, motorcycles, mopeds and tricycles, as well as boats and aircraft. FI/LHE/QCB/CF/jmc
