Angola presents sustainable development report at UN

  • Luanda     Thursday, 15 April De 2021    15h51  
A view of Luanda City
A view of Luanda City
Francisco Miúdo

Luanda - Angola will present, in July this year, for the first time, at the United Nations, the voluntary report on the implementation of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 20/30 agenda, under execution in the country since 2018.

As a member of the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) since 2018, in a three-year mandate, Angola will present the state of the implementation of the 17 SDGs in the country.

This information was released on Thursday, by the Minister of Economy and Planning, Sérgio Santos, during the evaluation workshop of the draft of the first voluntary report on the 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

"We are here to evaluate the state of play of the implementation of the 17 sustainable development goals of the 20/30 agenda, with teams subdivided into four multi-sectorial work groups, accompanied by UN members, in partnership with several social and economic partners of the State," he said.

For the government official, the presentation of this report at the UN Assembly, in July, is configured as a noble challenge for the country, for being the first time, parallel to the fact that it is a national objective.

The minister said that Angola had chosen as its 17-point priority the eradication of hunger, extreme poverty, ensuring education for all and gender equality as initial targets.

About the workshop, Sérgio Santos asked the technicians to work hard and with team spirit to produce a document in the name of Angola, with all the evidences of the progress in the country, where public and private projects are counted and the expectation of the last and final decade to achieve the goal, the SDGs.

Sérgio Santos, stressed that this is the last decade for the implementation of the 17 points of the 20/30 agenda and that in 2030 Angola will have concluded the international objective of improving the living quality of the people and the conservation of the environment.
