Angola focuses on mineral wealth

  • Luanda     Wednesday, 27 April De 2022    18h41  
Ministro dos Recursos Minerais, Petróleo e Gás, Diamantino Azevedo
Ministro dos Recursos Minerais, Petróleo e Gás, Diamantino Azevedo
António Escrivão

Dundo - The Minister for Mineral Resources, Oil and Gas, Diamantino de Azevedo, said Tuesday in Dundo, Lunda Norte province, that the Angolan government will continue to pay special attention to the country's mineral wealth, creating laws and a business environment capable of attracting investors to the mining sector.

Diamantino de Azevedo made this statement during a conference on the current situation of the mining sector and strategy for the sustainable development of the mining industry in Angola, organised by the Law Faculty of Lueji A'nkonde University.

According to the Cabinet minister, over the last three years the changes made to the mining sector, particularly decentralisation and increase of diamond cutting capacity, marketing policy and reducing the bureaucracy of licensing, had made it possible to attract Angolan and foreign investors.

He noted the return of De Beers and arrival, for the first time in Angola, of Rio Tintos, two of the world's biggest diamond mining companies.

He said that currently over 20 national and foreign companies had a licence to explore for gold, copper and lithium.
