Angola and Brazil seek improved business environment

  • Luanda     Tuesday, 10 October De 2023    21h38  

Luanda - The chairman of Angola-Brazil Chamber of Commerce (CCAB), Raimundo Lima, said Tuesday in Luanda that the businesspeople associated with this institution will work to improve the business environment between the two countries.

Raimundo Lima made the statement at the inauguration ceremony of the chamber's management members, in a ceremony attended by the Brazilian ambassador to Angola, Rafael Vidal, and others.

The CCAB chairman said the Chamber has identified three main points to agree such as the elimination of double taxation on products to be sold, resumption of financing lines and the installation of a payment system in Angolan currency in commercial exchanges.

Raimundo Lima added that talks have been held with the Brazilian government to begin studying how to implement these issues, while a meeting has been scheduled for next week for the strategies to be introduced.

Lima pointed out that improving the business environment also involves creating conditions that increase the purchasing power of citizens, which will result in a high volume of transactions to be carried out by entrepreneurs.

The CCAB chairperson said a drastic reduction in the volume of business between the two countries has been recorded, which went from 4 billion US dollars in 2008 to 1.5 billion US dollars in 2022".

He added that imports of products from Brazil to Angola are at 26 percent this year, while exports from Angola to Brazil have increased three times more, but only in oil and its by-products.

Created on June 14, 2023, the result of a joint effort by Angolan and Brazilian businesspeople, with the purpose of promoting and fostering relationships between companies and public institutions from Angola and Brazil, CCAB currently has 85 associated companies.

Based in Luanda -Angola, it also aims to intensify bilateral commercial relations, increase investment and economic and social development in these countries, focusing on strategic partners, advocacy, thematic events, commercial visits, training and mentoring, fairs, and exhibitions, among others. SJ/AC/CF/AMP

