Angola and UAE sign air services agreement

  • Luanda     Wednesday, 21 April De 2021    16h37  
Angola and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) signed agreements
Angola and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) signed agreements

Luanda - Angola and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) have signed a "bilateral air services agreement" and a "Memorandum of Understanding" to strengthen relations between the two countries in the transport sector.

According to a statement issued today by ANGOP, the agreement and the memorandum of understanding were signed in the UAE. The Minister of Transport, Ricardo de Abreu, signed on behalf of Angola and on behalf of the UAE, the Minister of Economy and Chairman of the Board of Directors of the General Authority of Civil Aviation, Abdullah bin Touq Al Marri.

At the occasion, Minister Ricardo de Abreu highlighted the historical importance of the signing ceremony and emphasized that the said agreement is a strategic instrument for the growth and sustainability of the Angolan civil aviation sector.

The Bilateral Aviation Cooperation Agreement with the United Arab Emirates had been pending for over 10 years, having now become possible due to the commitment and support of the Heads of State of the two countries.

He reiterated that the advanced phase of structural reforms, in the civil aviation sector in Angola, foresees the implementation of the objective of open skies in the light of international regulatory bodies and the commitments of the African Union, for Sataam and the Continental Free Trade Area, in general.

