Angola and Spain sign protocol in geosciences field

  • Luanda     Wednesday, 04 May De 2022    16h34  
Angola e Espanha assinam acordo no domínio da investigação científica
Angola e Espanha assinam acordo no domínio da investigação científica

Luanda - The Geological Institute of Angola (IGEO) and the State Agency of the Scientific Research Council, M.P. of Spain signed, this Wednesday, in Madrid, a bilateral cooperation protocol in geosciences' field.

On the Angolan side, the legal document was signed by the chairman of the Board of Directors of IGEO, Canga Xiaquivuila and, on the Spanish side, by the Vice-President of International Affairs (CSIC), Ángeles Gómez Borrego, an event witnessed by the Angolan ambassador to that European country, Luis de Matos.

The aforementioned cooperation protocol aims to establish legal bases that promote cooperation between the Parties, according to a note from the Angolan Embassy in Spain to which ANGOP had access.

The Parties agree to cooperate in the field of geosciences on the basis of equality, reciprocity and mutual benefits, exchange of scientific information and specialized technical personnel.
