Angola participates in United Nations conference on water

  • Luanda     Tuesday, 21 March De 2023    14h08  
Minister of Energy and Waters, João Baptista Borges
Minister of Energy and Waters, João Baptista Borges
Joaquina Bento-ANGOP

Luanda - The Angolan government will participate, from 22 to 24 of this month, in the United Nations Conference on water, to be held in the city of New York, United States of America (USA).

The United Nations Conference on Water, under the motto "Accelerating Action Towards a Sustainable Future", will bring together political leaders and experts from different countries to discuss the best solutions for a better management of water resources and to ensure access to water by different communities.


According to a communiqué which ANGOP had Access to, in New York City, the minister of Energy and Waters, João Baptista Borges, is scheduled to attend several meetings and speak at the International Water Forum on the theme: “Water Leadership: United for a Sustainable World”.


The conference will also be attended by senior officials of the auxiliary bodies of the Vice-President of the Republic of Angola, as well as from the Ministry of Energy and Water and other bodies that make up the National Water Council.


World Water Day


It was on March 22nd, 1992, during the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, that the UN established the World Water Day and released, on the occasion, a document known as the “Universal Declaration of Water Rights”.


Regarding the celebration, Angola has promoted information sharing events and debates such as the National Water and Sanitation Forum (FONAS), held on March 17th in Luanda.


The event, which was attended by the minister of Energy and Waters, João Baptista Borges, the minister of Environment, Paula Chantre de Carvalho, as well as representatives of United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF), and other institutions addressed issues such as “Financial challenges in the water and sanitation sector”, “Security and climate resilience in the water sector”, “Problematic of sanitation in Angola” and “Sanitation of coastal cities”.


In this event, minister João Baptista Borges stated that the rate of access to water in Angola is around 60%.

