Illegal transfer of business licenses to foreign operators detected in Lubango

  • Luanda     Saturday, 10 February De 2024    14h57  
Armazém grossista de venda de bens alimentares
Armazém grossista de venda de bens alimentares
Mauro Leal

Lubango – The National Authority for Economic Inspection and Food Safety (ANIESA) detected three cases of fraudulent transfer of commercial licenses, during inspection visits to 15 business establishments in Lubango, Huíla province.

The information was provided to ANGOP today, Saturday, in this city by the coordinator of ANIESA in Huíla province, Domingos Kalumana, when summarizing of the inspection activity that took place on Tuesday, February 6, in the aforementioned market, following an anonymous complaint that reported the existence of a commercial establishment operating without licensing.

He stated that the next steps involve hunting for permits or institutional support so that agents who are operating with these documents can formalize commercial activity in their name, if they meet the necessary requirements to do so.

“The license is in the name of a citizen, but the person who is exploring is another foreigner. Whoever is carrying out the activity will not deposit the income obtained in the name of the commercial establishment, because he has no rights over the company to operate the account”, he explained.

It is known that a large part of the commercial activity is carried out by foreigners and this practice encourages us to go deeper to assess the level of the issue of license transfer in the municipality”, he stated.

Domingos Kalumana said that during the inspection activity, a commercial establishment selling fabrics was also closed, as it had been operating with an inspection report since June 2022, without the corresponding proof of payment, and was therefore warned to remedy the non-conformities found.

He informed that the inspection activity will continue and the possibility of extending it to other municipalities in the province is considered. MS/MS/DOJ
