ANIESA destroys several bags of products considered unsuitable for consumption

  • Luanda     Thursday, 05 January De 2023    14h57  
Produtos a ser incinerados pela ANIESA
Produtos a ser incinerados pela ANIESA
Nelson Costa - ANGOP

Malanje – At least 95 bags of maize flour and 17 bags of rice were burnt Wednesday in Malanje, by the National Economic Inspection and Food Security Authority (ANIESA), for being unsuitable for human consumption.


The mentioned products were found for sale in various commercial premises and due to this they were seized during the period of the past festive season.


The information was made available to ANGOP by the municipal director of ANIESA in Malanje Province, Jerónimo Amos, who highlighted that 98 boxes of various meats and two boxes of frozen fish were also burnt.


According to the official, in addition to the destruction of such foodstuffs, the targeted establishments paid a fine totalling one million kwanzas.


He said that the burnt products were valued at more than two million kwanzas, whose losses affected economic operators who were trying at all costs to market them, due to demand for the festive season.


Regarding the prices charged during the period in review, he said there was no speculation, on the contrary, there was a drop for some foodstuffs such as beans, cooking oil and pasta, as a result of the inspection of establishments.


Jerónimo Amos explained that three brigades were set up, made up of inspectors from the Trade, Hospitality, Health and other areas, who carried out price and quality control of the products being commercialised.


For this year, the official said that educational activities would continue and it would be ANIESA´s banner, aimed at making shopkeepers aware of the need to practise fair prices and quality of goods, with a view to preserving the health of the consumer.


However, he called on citizens to continue denouncing the anomalies in commercial establishments and economic players in order to stop the selling of expired products.  


