World Bank funding 17 projects with social and economic impact

  • Luanda     Wednesday, 31 January De 2024    20h01  
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Luanda- The World Bank (WB) made available 3.6 billion dollars for a portfolio of 17 projects with social and economic impact already underway in Angola.

According to Ana Maria de Carvalho, senior operations officer at the WB, the projects are being implemented in the education, energy, agriculture, social protection, budget support, health and water sectors, with the last two, with the largest volume of 25 and 20 percent of the portfolio, respectively.

When presenting the WB project cycle, at the workshop on projects financed by this institution, she said that by 2025 the value could reach 6 billion dollars, with more projects currently being prepared and the disbursement of another two billion dollars.

She highlighted some ongoing programs such as girls' empowerment and learning for all, the project to develop the water sector and commercial agriculture, strengthening the performance of the health system, climate resilience and water security, among others.

Ana Maria de Carvalho mentioned that the WB has a multisectoral intervention in the projects and works with the Ministry of Finance, but their implementation is carried out by the monitored sectors.

In turn, the WB representative for São Tomé e Príncipe and Angola, Juan Carlos Alvarez, highlighted that the bank is a partner of the Angolan Government to improve the social conditions of the population.

“You can count on the support of the WB and we need to improve some project implementation mechanisms and work together, aiming for the well-being of families”, he highlighted.

The event was attended by staff from the Court of Auditors, the Ministry of Finance and World Bank/ASS/AC/DOJ

