Banks pump AKZ 936.02 billion credit to real sector

  • Luanda     Thursday, 04 August De 2022    19h15  
A textile industry
A textile industry
Gaspar dos Santos

Luanda - Commercial banks injected 936.02 billion kwanzas credit to the real economy, roughly 19.65 percent of the total gross credit of the banking sector, National Bank of Angola (BNA) has told ANGOP.

In its statistics, BNA stated that there was a slight decrease of 2.12 billion kwanzas compared to the previous period.

The gross credit granted under the BNA notices, as part of the promotion of the real sector, totaled 438.5 billion kwanzas, which corresponds to 46.85 percent of the total credit delivered.

Of the overall credit granted to the real sector, the manufacturing industry tops the list with 491.3 billion kwanzas (52.49%), followed by agriculture, farming, hunting, forestry and fishing with 336.9 billion kwanzas (36.00%).

 The extractive industry appears with 107.7 billion Kwanzas (11.51%), of which, 213.9 million Kwanzas (0.19%), granted under the notices for credit to the real sector.
