Ambriz foresees increased harvest

  • Luanda     Friday, 06 November De 2020    10h42  
Agricultural field
Agricultural field
Morais Silva

Caxito – At least 8,700 tonnes of several products are to be harvested on the present agricultural campaign (2020-2021) in the municipality of Ambriz, northern province of Bengo, representing an increase of about 2,000 tonnes, compared to the last harvest.

The increase in production is due to the regularity of the rain that fell in the region, engagement of the peasants, as well as tractors, which will allow good mechanizaed agriculture and the increase in cultivation areas.


Roughly 162 hectares are being prepared for the current agricultural campaign (the same ones of last year), with the involvement of 500 families, informed the municipal director of the agriculture and fishing of Ambriz, Tiago Manuel António.


Banana, sweet potato, peanuts, corn, manioc, yam, beans, vegetables and citrus fruits are the main products in the region.


Access routes and lack of transport for the disposal of products are the  main difficulties that farmers face.

