WB grants over AKZ 50 million for soap production

  • Luanda     Monday, 25 January De 2021    13h24  
Reitoria da Universidade Kimpa Vita
Reitoria da Universidade Kimpa Vita
Domingos Nicolau

Uige - At least Fifty two million kwanzas is the amount made available by the World Bank (WB) for the production of handmade soap in the 191 primary schools in the province of Uige, the director of the Education Office in the district, Fernanda Mulelo, announced on Monday.

The support will help the authorities to prevent the spread of Covid-19 and to sanitise minors in this final phase of preparations for the start of primary school classes on 10 February.       


The official, who was speaking to Angop about the preparations for the reopening of classes, explained that the distribution of the amount will depend on the number of schools each municipality has.


She said that 62 cleaners from the 191 primary schools in Uige province had recently received training in soap making techniques, an initiative of the Education Ministry.
